Wellcome to my space!

This is where I share my ideas and projects as a developer based in
New York


Pantry tracker
Al customer support
Al flashcards and Stripe
SubSync (subscription tracking and management)

For the projects listed, I've used the following technologies: Next.js, React, OpenAI, Vercel, Streaming, Pinecone, Firebase, Clerk, and Stripe. Join me on my journey as I explore new technologies, tackle complex challenges, and contribute to exciting projects that make a difference. I am particularly eager to expand my expertise in AI and actively engage with innovative developments in this field


Explore My Professional Journey

Below, you'll find my resume detailing my experiences, skills, and accomplishments as a software engineer. Discover how my background and expertise align with your interests and needs.


Join My LinkedIn

Here, I share my software engineering journey as a junior developer. Join me as I navigate through challenges, celebrate successes, and continue to grow in the field of technology.
